Often people after completing their training blocks (usually these are about 28 days) are advised to take a weeks complete rest. I think this is a good idea, especially for the mature trainer, to give joints and muscles a complete ready for a slightly more intense new 28 day training block. ...continue reading Rest Periods Between Training Blocks

I read an interesting article by Anna Magee of the Daily Telegraph on Monday. In it she quotes the findings of the US National Weight Control Registry who have monitored 5,000 people who have lost from 30lbs to 300lbs and kept if off for a year or more. This is the largest investigation of its kind. Here's what they found: ...continue reading Weight loss: How to keep it off

You’re probably familiar with all the diet plans published by experts over the years. Although I’m sure that some of them have worked, I get the impression for most people it only works for a period of time, before either boredom or outside influences drive people back to their old dietary habits. I have tried to put together some simple guidelines which may or may not help you.

...continue reading 20 Day Nutrition Plan